Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 16: Maybe it was all about Jesus from the very start

I have neglected to post for a few days - but thankfully was able to complete my reading each day.
Day 14: Deut 8 - 22
Day 15: Deut 23 - 34
Today: Joshua 1 - 14

A passage that stood out for me this week is a promise from God about my commitment to reading his Word:
Deut 30: 11 - 14 The Message

During yesterday's reading, I was pondering the differences between the Old Law and what I have in my head about Christianity. (In other words, I did not study this - just was pondering what was in my head - which is probably flawed and incomplete.)

I had this thought: maybe it was all about Jesus, from the very beginning. Maybe Israel was God's chosen people because they were going to introduce his son to humanity. Maybe all of the Law was to sanctify Jesus' people and ancestors.

Maybe this is some common thought, and I have it in the back of my head from hearing it. But, it felt like a big, new idea for me. I am no theologian. In fact, I have a hard time discussing things like this in Bible Class. I forget what I know, and get lost. And that's OK. In fact, it's probably an excellent check on my pride.

While I am reading through the rest of the Old Testament, I am going to look out for this idea - and see if there's anything to back it up. What do you think?


  1. Angi, I'm not sure when you posted this but I'm glad you did! First, I really needed to hear Deut 30:11-14. Second, as I'm on this quest to know God and to make my faith my own I find myself readily falling in love with God. I am enamored with Him and I feel like I 'get' Him (as much as a simple human can). Jesus, however, I struggle with. Believing isn't the issue, it's rather my intense need to understand everything. While I know I will never understand everything about God, Jesus and the Spirit my head gets all muddled when I try to put the Jesus piece into the puzzle. So...that was a very long way of saying 'cool! I'm gonna think on that!'


  2. Yes! It was always about Jesus! Jesus was present at creation and prophecies throughout point to Jesus. He is the fulfillment of the old law! I learned all this when studying Israel and the minor prophets in BSF and was amazed it had not been emphasized in Bible class, because it is HUGE! And see, you fully demonstrated the passage you quoted when you made that observation!
